Sunday, January 10, 2010

Coaches Make All the Difference!

Have been in two fantastic coaching programs, one with Un-seminarian host: Pat O'Bryan and the other coaching program with Erica Douglass. They both offered diverse and useful information speaking from their vantage points as successful online entrepreneurs. Classmates were pretty cool too.

Enjoyed an August opening of school Art Work Book Bootcamp with Lamar CISD art teachers with another scheduled next month.
Spent this last Saturday and Sunday among other Silva graduates in a Dare to Dream Seminar with 40 year veteran Silva instructor, Wanda Morris at the helm (seen here on the left). It was inspirational with lively conversations for possibility in between sessions.

Also launched three of four new web sites; Joan Maresh Hansen, Affirmations That Stick and Good Life Guide Marian and I conducted our first 2010 meeting at Central Market for the Good Life Feel Good Gatherings. Have spent a lot of time bringing the two art sister sites: Art Work on the Web and My Virtual Art Room back up after being worthy of being hacked. Also check out Cool Art Cards. Life is good and getting better and better. So what's new with you in 2010?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Unseminar 6: Online Entrepreneurs Go Wild!

Spending a weekend around people who are doing what you are moving in the direction of is quite an inspiration. This last weekend, three of my girlfriends who share an interest in thriving businesses online attended Pat O'Bryan's Unseminar 6. the name is derived from several factors because it is informal, the time line is as Pat says, a work of fiction, and the attendees mingle with the speakers the entire weekend.

Speakers are all very available for conversations that create possibilities.
So much was learned, in summary here is a fraction of it...
FRIDAY at Unseminar 6:

Masterminding and Mindmapping: was presented by Bill Hibbler, author of "Meet and Grow Rich" and Ann Collins. Mastermind groups are formed when two or more people come together and a third mind is formed. This concept was made famous by Andrew Carnegie and Napolean Hill in his classic book, "Think and Grow Rich." Bill and Ann shared inspirational stories where everyone in the group continued to meet their goals.
GOOGLE INSIDER SECRETS were next presented by Simon Leung, former Google employee, and Lee Collins. Their information was a two step formula for making money online with the right PRODUCT and then driving TRAFFIC to your site. Suggestions were made to use the Google tools including Google Keyword Tool, Google Ad Words, Google Shopping, and Google Maps. The idea behind this is that Google is Google's # 1 fan and your position on the page with the search engines will rise using this strategy.
Erica Douglas then spoke on "Turning your Blog into a Business." Erica shared strategies including the benefits of using Word Press with it's plug ins to finding complementary affiliate programs to add to your site to assist your customers in getting what they want/need. She stated that if you have read 10 books on a topic, you know more than 90% of the people. Erica offered a fabulous coaching program in which many of us joined. Stay tuned to new exciting updates.
Dr. Joe Vitale ended this first day by speaking about "The Secrets of Attracting Money." His charisma and passion filled the room. He shared his own story and urged each of us to raise our financial set points so that more money is allowed into each of our lives. He spoke of the significance of empowering ourselves to accept money so that we too could use the money as a tool in the world to do good. He ask us ,"how good can you stand it?"He ended by giving many gifts to the audience as he always does.
SATURDAY at Unseminar 6:
Mind mapping was continued when Bill Hibbler and Ann Collins coached an attendee, MJ on her web site and offered solutions in a visable format of a mind map that each of us could follow along.The mindmapping software was Mindjet which offers a 30 day free subscription.
The inspirational and energetic Eric Farewell spoke of building businesses that give you what you want in his presentation entitled," Simple and Proven Niche Marketing."In his talk, he told his personal story of how he is able to travel often throughout the year. He said that his lifestyle offers freedom and blessings to others. Then he offered reasons why most internet marketers fail. He showed us his formula and how his sites make money while we sleep.Very cool!
Following was a continuation of the GOOGLE INSIDER SECRETS by Simon Leung and Lee Collins with a focus on TRAFFIC. The emphasis was on the effective use of TWITTER and how 32% of their traffic was generated by their presence on Twitter. A good read is Joel Conn's "Twitter Power "which clarifies how and why this social media network works.
Andy Huang, who is known as the 80 Million Dollar Man spoke next on "Making Money Online without Creating a Web Site." and added more insight to the benefits of affiliate marketing.
Wendy Friersen of WendiTV stole the show next with a memorable performance of how she effectively uses YOUTUBE in very innovative and entertaining ways with videos to be remembered. She sells hynoptism products to solve people's problems and gifted us with a meditation that was so soothing. She shared so many incredible suggestions that will help us all.
SUNDAY at Unseminar 6:
Mindmapping was continued by Bill and Ann with more solutions presented for MJ's website.
Collin Joss spoke next about grabbing the reader by the eyeballs and ripping his money out of his wallet. Collin has an incredibly dry sense of humor and a unique accent. He gave away sales copy to three attendees and I became one of the fortunate recipients. I anticipate great results.
Ben Mack spoke next and shared his upcoming Good Energy Day ( 9/9/09). Kim Burney is working with him along with Chuck Pennington and shared their ideas. Kim is leading Mastermind groups and shared her products.
"Masterminding instills you with a sense of optimism"
Nathan Anderson,SEO expert, shared with us what he is calling "Niche ATMs."Web sites built to serve a particular audience while making money. I loved Nathan's Success formula
Give,Read an hour a day,Work Daily on your beliefs,Get RIGHT with GOD!Kill TV,Lose Negative Friends,Ask ( and it will be given), and Accept...He also shared his philosophies, and many other strategies that has him living in Colorado near his brother and family and parents on the same beautiful piece of land. He continued on multiple streams of income, choosing niche markets for which you feel passion, and how small profits individually add up.
After lunch,Kim Burney shared her new products for Maintenance on the PC.
Public Domain Expert, Tony Laidig spoke next giving us so much information of How to Create Public Domain Products.Tony told us about finding and using information that is paid for by our tax dollars and how these government documents are ours to use.
Our concluding presentation was phenomenal and given by author of Inspired Marketing, Craig Perrine. Craig encouraged listening to our subconscious mind and then taking action. He told his story and added his own humor. He reninded us how when we live our life doing what we love our to do list becomes our "get to do list."
Unseminar 6 was created and hosted by a phenomenal man named Pat O'Bryan who has gone from being a broke blues singer to a successful internet marketer. His Unseminars are affordable while providing so much information by experts who are successful. Napolean Hill said that if you want to be successful then help others get what you want. Pat O'Bryan said that" life is a parade as you learn something, turn around and teach the person behind you." My life is very blessed, my passion for learning has been re-ignited. The speakers were incredibly generous in sharing their formulas for success in each of their lives. Success is like a mathematical formula, if one person can do it, we each can if we are willing to follow their system until we have developed our own.
In addition to meeting these speakers, we had the hundreds of attendees to meet and mingle and to share each of our visions. Pat invited ten of the attendees to speak, I was the first to speak. It was an incredible opportunity to share a platform with all of the amazing and generous experts mentioned above. My friends Louise Dewey, queen of networking, Martha Giffen of Think and Motivate, and Wendy G. Young with her newly launched Spiritual Grid Manifestation DVDs also spoke sharing their dreams and stories.
Someone once said, "that our lives are lived on the acts of others, this truth resonates more than ever having been the benefactor of the generosity of all of the Unseminar 6 speakers and attendees. Although I have a ways to go with my businesses online, my attendance to Unseminar 4,5,and 6, brings me closer each day to my vision. My intention continues to be to share what I continue to learn to assist others in their journey.
The law of attraction assisted me in that the first person that I met online was Pat O'Bryan. When I ask, now what? The Universe answered with an opportunity to continue teaching with my classroom becoming the world. My classrooms online include art and technology, spiritual laws and a peaceful retreat from the world to a beautiful space. I am glad we share this journey.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanks for the Life Lessons & Challenges!

So much has transpired in the last couple of years. So many skills and new information has come to my attention in the best kind of way. I have much to learn and love learning however I am more at peace at whatever pace I keep. I read consider that "each failure gets you closer to the successes you desire."
My intentions are still the same to create several home based businesses online that assist others in getting what they want while bringing in multiple streams of income. It is my pace that has changed. My change occurred when realizing that it is important to take in a bit of a life—well lived.
While I am building a web site to send e-cards, I am taking courses online toward my doctorate in metaphysics. While I am researching my next set of books and offerings for each of my sites, I read, journal and meditate daily. With products and ideas swirling around in my head, I take time out each week to meet with my spiritual group, the support of like minded people feeds my soul. We have started a public group forum along with a web site if you are interested in spiritual laws and how the practice of them can change your life in so many positive ways.
My other arenas of interest are simplifying my life, eliminating all that is no longer of value in my life and purging items that are no longer needed so that others may benefit from them. Healthy food and exercise also have become a part of my routine.
Last of all and one of the most important considerations is being appreciative of all the blessings in my life. Saying thanks many times a day each time I think of how blessed my life is.
This morning I opened an email from a former student of mine from 31 years ago. He says that I had an enormous effect on him and his life. He says he remembers how I seemed to be happy as a teacher and he remembered that in his decision to teach. He ended with" thanks for touching my life. You were my best teacher ever." What a gift that letter is even 31 years later.
I said to this former student that he now can influence his students as it is obvious to me that when we are happy in our life—we positively impact others and send ripples out on the waters of humanity in the best kind of way. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it is the perfect time to be "Hooked on Happy" about all the wonderful things big and small in each of our lives and remember to feel appreciation for each of them. Thank you !

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Unseminar 5 Increases Everyday Expectations!

How does a former art educator and technology instructor like myself learn internet marketing? The answer is to submerge yourself in a seminar with an incredible line up of speakers who know how to do what you want to do and are willing to tell you how it's done.Pat O'Bryan's Unseminar 5 provided many such answers.  Dr. Joe Vitale was the first speaker at Unseminar 5 in San Antonio, Texas. He quoted Einstein, here I'll paraphrase," problems cannot be solved at the same level that they were created. He said we must strive to continuously grow to expand our knowledge. By increasing our understanding we can then hope to solve problems at this new level. Left are Dr. Joe Vitale, myself, Joan Maresh Hansen, and Craig Perinne with their recent book, Inspired Marketing. Above left, Craig is autographing his book coauthored with Dr. Joe Vitale. 
A new awareness can lead us to people who can assist us with solutions with a method of "outsourcing." When we outsource, people are hired to assist us and can solve our problems allowing us to focus on other things we enjoy most. Craig Perrine spoke of this principle which by giving other people the most difficult tasks from our lists of things to do, this will give us the time to work on our list of things we enjoy—our list of  "get to dos." How brilliant is that?
Attending seminars with a room full of experts who are willing to share their expertise is certainly the best way I know to soak up a lot of great information.
 I am delighted that I  just attended Pat O'Bryan's Unseminar 5
in San Antonio, Texas with eleven fabulous speakers—all experts in their field. So much information was provided to a hungry audience filled with all levels of internet marketers. Some participants haven't even built web sites yet and others like myself have web sites and are eager to take our businesses to the next level using the processes of web 2.0 strategies. Right, you see the very generous man behind the successes of the Unseminar Series: Pat O'Bryan. Thank you Pat!
Bill Hibbler spoke of the power of forming MASTERMIND groups and told of the successes of the Wimberly group of which he has been a part. We organized into groups of people—we call ourselves The Un-mastermind 5 group.We began conversations for possibility and have continued that dialogue since our return home by email. Bill also spoke of his rock  star business and how to go about becoming a rock star in your own niche. It was the best talk I've heard Bill give so far. The Unseminars and the speakers are getting better and better. Below left you see Bill Hibbler with Dr. Scott Lewis.
I appreciate the hard work and  efforts of Pat O'Bryan who is helping others to succeed in each of our respective businesses. Pat organized his usual cadre of experts with Dr. Joe Vitale, Craig Perrine, Bill Hibbler. In addition, Eric Farewell, Erica Douglas, Donna Fox, Simon Leung, Tony Laidig, Dr. Scott Lewis and Ben Mack took center stage and shared all of their brilliant ideas about how they approach the internet marketing world.
Eric Farewell was incredible with his talk being only the third time to take the stage. His life is one of adventure and lots of freedom. What an inspiration that is. He shared a series of 5 strategies to best launch a product or site. Eric was easy to be with and has a warm and genuine personality. Below left are Eric and myself.  
Erica Douglas  ( shown with Eric above right) was another new person to speak at an internet marketing seminar, she did an amazing job. She shared with us how she built and sold her web business for 1.5 million dollars and how we too can build businesses with that net worth. 
Tony Laidig told of his approach to the public domain and how we too can derive the same benefits from the millions of documents which are  accessible to each of us. Tony also acknowledged in a conversation with me, his use of  his mastermind group.  Left you see Mark Weisser,  Simone Blume,  and Tony discussing public domain products.
Dr. Scott Lewis relaxed the crowd in a large group hypnosis with encouraging words to unveil  to us our hidden skills and strengths.
The feminine energy of the internet was brought to light with the energetic words of Donna Fox. She revealed facts and insights on marketing to woman. She's another person whose warmth filled the room and when you spoke with her she attended each word. Donna runs with an influential circle and invited some of her closest friends to come and speak. To our delight, they accepted. 
Simon Leung, former Google Ad Words executive spoke on the safe approach to online marketing to avoid the famous Google Slap. He travels most of the time speaking and we happened to experience one of his last USA speaking engagements. 
Last of all was Ben Mack who did " the most amazing card trick that I have ever seen" and is known as a branding expert. His humor and stage presence makes it easy to see how he works his magic. He told the most touching stories of his life.   
Three days from morning till early evening, we had opportunities to mix and mingle with incredible people who have unique visions for bringing their ideas to the world in the form of web sites, ebooks, and other products.  Most of all were the reassurances that each of these individuals use formulas for their successes. If we follow these suggested formulas then we too can experience successes beyond our wildest dreams.
It seems like so long ago yet it has been only nine months that I met Pat O'Bryan then Dr. Joe Vitale, and then Bill Hibbler and Craig Perrine in person and now these other internet celebrities—all in the arena of service to others like myself. I feel so confident now having experienced each of these individuals with their messages filled with possibilities. 
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, the speakers, the audience participants, the staff, all made this a life altering experience for which I will be forever grateful. I can hardly wait until Unseminar 6 happens so I can share my success story as an expression of appreciation to all of these people co-creating it with me. Left are Simon Leung, new friend Martha Giffin, Dr. Scott Lewis, myself, Donna Fox, Tony Laidig and Maryellen Little.

"When we experience moments of ecstacy-in play, in art, in sex-they come not as an exception, an accident, but as a taste of what life is meant to be...Ecstacy is an idea, a goal, but it can be the expectation of every day. Those times when we are grounded in our body, pure in our heart, clear in our mind, rooted in our soul, and suffused with the energy, the spirit of life, are our birthright. It's really not that hard to stop and luxuriate in the joy and wonder of being. Children do it all the time. It's a natural human gift that should be at the heart of our lives." Gabrielle Roth
So too shall we all seek to serve the world with that which we have to offer—that human gift should be at the heart of our lives.....
Blessings and All My Best!
Joan Maresh Hansen 

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mind Mapping to Success!

The learning curve continues as more information is discovered. Sandy inspired me to proceed with a plan of action in a mind map with a software download she provided me. So in between product development yesterday( t-shirts, mouse pads, coffee cups and journals), my mind map of my strategies for joining and participating in different social networks to increase traffic to my sites and continue to build my list was started.
Last night I read posts by Pat O'Bryan where he gently reminded me that in internet marketing three things are important, make products, sell products and build your list. We can get so carried away in so many things we forget what is most important-providing service to others. In July, I will be attending Unseminar 5 in San Antonio with some of my mastermind group. Pat O Bryan, Joe Vitale, Craig Perine, and Bill Hibbler will be sharing their resources, time, and talents. I look forward to taking everything to the next level. Collaboration is key to personal growth as I feel you cannot do much of anything alone and if you try it takes you so much longer to progress. Just wanted to register these new thoughts now to put them into action. Until next time....
" If today your abilities are small and your powers insignificant, begin now to make a more thorough use of them and they will grow." Raymond Holliwell

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Foundational Information

I know my partner has mentioned in her notes that she has found much of her information to be more foundational than she needs and that is great. I am still in the place where I still need to learn foundational information so your notes on them would be great! HINT HINT! Just posting here is a great start for me.

I have been reviewing others sites and blogs learning what I like and do not like so that I am clear on what I want to develop and promote. My intention is to reduce the domain names I have secured and only keep the ones I want to develop. I have found after holding them for a year I am clearer on what vibration the names hold for me and my mission. Now my lesson is to decide where I will host them and get that account set up so that it is most affordable for multiple domain names.

I am also intending that I pick the best place to use for my blog and I learn it with ease and have my first one up and running by Wed. April 16, 2008 (the day after my birthday by the way guys)

My Intention

I have developed a great blog and mini site called and it has 2,000 + visitors a week and generates $10,000 a month in income. I am happy and grateful that this process was fun and happened with ease. As I needed help, help appeared and I shared what I learned with my OMGr's!

Now I need to learn how to get the spaces I put in this post to show up! LMAO

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hiring EXPERTS to HELP adds SPEED to your Intentions!

Many of my friends hire others to get all of these technological issues resolved. Many have technical gurus who come to their homes to fix things that aren't working. They hire experts from web designers to graphic designers to software programmers. I decided to try asking for a little help from my technologically savvy friends. I hired one person to set up a theme on my WordPress blog, another web designer to update the theme on my web site, another elance copywriter to re-write the copy for my two sites. Things happened fast!
It was so much fun having those things in progress while I did some other FUN creative things like adding voice to a slide show using my brand new Blue Ball microphone. I also wrote and did some research on membership site software offerings. It gave me more time to incubate new ideas. I got fresh innovative approaches to all that was requested. I appreciate the generous assistance from each contributer and the results of their expertise, time and talents. 
The important part of hiring others to do what you want is to be able to communicate your intentions so that the outcome matches that originally stated intention.
"Think and feel yourself there! To achieve any aim in life, you need to project the end-result. Think of the elation, the satisfaction, the joy! Carrying the ecstatic feeling will bring the desired goal into view." Grace Speare